Attendance software

Attendance software

Blog Article

The possibility of recording the presence and absence of personnel without a device Regular and accurate reporting by time for each person Ability to accurately calculate leave balance, overtime and mission

Attendance software: Due to the massive amount of information that is flowing in the space of offices and organizations, ordering and classifying in the traditional way is not the answer. Soroush secretariat and archive software provides you with new features while registering, managing and organizing letters and current information within the organization, archiving and creating different categories, as well as regular reporting of data. In the following, we will talk more about the features of this software.

Some images and features of attendance software

Printing the details of people on envelopes or A4 and A5 sheets in your desired format Solar calendar - Hijri and Gregorian with occasions The possibility of adding a photo for the desired person Determining the type of traffic (normal, vacation, mission) Search for the desired person easily Entering information from Excel to the phone book Ability to output data to Excel No restrictions on installing the program Automatic and manual backup Logging in and out by the user Report on the performance of personnel Preparation of user traffic reports Essential phones

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